Wellness Guide
1, 60 minute virtual RD assessment to discuss your nutrition goals, medical history, anthropometrics, and more.
One personalized wellness guide that avoids the typical diet culture "what to eat and when to eat it". Instead it details your food group target ranges for each meal and snack on a daily basis, and is organized into a daily agenda to fit your daily routines and habits..
Our dietitian will provide unique example meals and snacks following your personalized plan to act as a visual representation of a supportive, non-restrictive, and nutritious day's worth of eating for your body.
Additional resources, recommendations and optional follow-ups and monitoring for your care
Only available for services within Wisconsin
Our Assessment:
60 minutes to discuss your medical history, current anthropometrics, food habits/24-hour recall, nutrition goals, and more. This service allows you time to tell our dietitians what you need support with and what your overall health priorities are. Then our dietitians utilize evidence based resources and their nutrition expertise to create a flexible nutrition guide for you. All assessments are done electronically and will require prior proof of Wisconsin residency.
Our Approach:
Our wellness guides target a flexible, sustainable, and well-rounded agenda for all clients. Our guides take a non-restrictive approach and slowly become a habit instead of a hassle.
Personalized Wellness Guide
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your dietitian to gather information. A personalized wellness guide provided after the assessment to support you on your path to nutritional stability.
Valid for one month
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your RD
1 full wellness guide including a meal plan agenda
7 days worth of examples following your plan (21 meals+)
Additional recommendations and resources
Wellness Guide + 3 follow-ups
1:1, 60 minute meeting with your dietitian to gather information. A personalized wellness guide provided after the assessment to support you on your path to nutritional stability. 3 follow-ups.
Valid for 3 months
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your RD
1 full wellness guide including a meal plan agenda
7 days worth of examples following your plan (21 meals+)
Additional resources & references as needed
3, 30 minute follow-up sessions
Best Value
Wellness Guide + 6 follow-ups
1:1, 60 minute meeting with your dietitian to gather information. A personalized wellness guide provided after the assessment to support you on your path to nutritional stability. 6 follow-ups.
Valid for 6 months
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your RD
1 full wellness guide including a meal plan agenda
7 days worth of examples following your plan (21 meals+)
Additional resources & references as needed
6, 30 minute follow-up sessions