Nutrition Therapy
Outpatient nutrition therapy
general wellness, longevity, or goal-oriented nutrition therapy
eating disorder specific diagnoses (AN, BN, BED, Orthorexia, ARFID, and more)
OCD related- eating concerns
Mental health related eating concerns
other nutrition therapy requests welcome
Dietitians are only licensed to serve clients with proof of Wisconsin Residency at this time.
Our Assessment:
1, 60 minute virtual session of personalized nutrition therapy, education, and counseling with our nutrition experts. All assessments are done electronically and will require prior proof of Wisconsin residency.
Our Approach:
Our dietitians target a body-positive, inclusive, informed, and intuitive agenda for all clients. Our therapy takes a non-restrictive approach and will encourage your balanced and nutritious eating habits to slowly become a habit instead of a hassle.
Nutrition Therapy
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your dietitian. Your RD will provide personalized education and counseling to support you on beginning your path to long-term, sustainable, health.
Valid for one month
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your RD
Personalized education and counseling
Additional resources and recommendations
Nutrition Therapy + 3 follow-ups
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your dietitian. Your RD will provide personalized education and counseling to support you on beginning your path to long-term health. 3 follow-ups included.
Valid for 3 months
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your RD
Personalized education and counseling
Additional resources & references as needed
3, 30 minute follow-up sessions
Nutrition Therapy + 6 follow-ups
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your dietitian. Your RD will provide personalized education and counseling to support you on beginning your path to long-term health. 6 follow-ups included.
Valid for 6 months
1:1, 60 minute virtual meeting with your RD
Personalized education and counseling
Additional resources & references as needed
6, 30 minute follow-up sessions