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Simple City Wellness

Trying to eat perfectly, is a perfectly good waste of time.

Our Services

Free Discovery Call

  • Join a free discovery call with one of our dietitians to discuss your nutrition goals, our services, and any questions/concerns.

  • A 15 minute virtual check-in. No medical forms, history, etc. necessary. No follow ups are included.

Virtual Initial Assessment/Evaluation

  • Meet your Registered Dietitian, ask questions and share your goals, find the best service options for your goals, and provide the most updated medical information, height, weight, etc. for a more personalized experience. 

  • Includes a 60 minute virtual assessment with no follow-ups included

Virtual Outpatient Counseling

  • Outpatient nutrition therapy, education, and counseling for medical nutrition therapy. 

  • Outpatient therapy, education, and counseling for eating disorder diagnoses.

  • Outpatient therapy, education, and counseling for wellness and longevity.


Food Allergy / Intolerance Consultation

  • This service provides 60 minutes of 1:1 virtual food allergy/intolerance nutrition education and counseling. This service is not meant to diagnose allergies or intolerances.

  • Additional resources included as necessary. 

  • No meal plans or follow-ups included

Meal Plan Package

  • A personalized guide to meeting your nutritional needs with a non-restrictive approach

  • Specific to your health goals and supported with evidence

  • Organized visual of how many food groups to strive for at each meal/snack to optimize physical health

  • 7 days worth of examples (21 meals+) following your plan

Our Values

Image by Milad Fakurian


Health At All Sizes

Health is not defined by a certain number on the scale. Health is not defined by a certain number of calories we eat, or steps we take, everyday. Our team of dietitians promote health at all sizes, set point theory, and individualized health on a patient by patient basis. 

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."  


Image by Masaaki Komori


Holistic Approach 

Our team targets health from a holistic approach by enlightening the fact that mind and body are not separate. What affects one, also affects the other.  Our dietitians work hard to prioritize all aspects of health by providing non-judgmental, wholesome, and empowering nutrition therapy.


"Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of wellbeing.”

-Greg Anderson

Image by NordWood Themes


Body Positivty

As registered dietitians, we recommend working on being confident in the bodies we were given, rather than trying to change our bodies to gain confidence. When body positivity is too difficult, our coaches encourage working towards body neutrality. An approach that recognizes and appreciates our bodies for allowing us to wake up each day. 

"Feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like." 

-Emma Watson

Image by Alex Lvrs


Intuitive/Informed Living

Simple City Wellness redefines eating with intention. Our dietitians recommend being intuitive and trusting our bodies, while also staying informed and utilizing science-based evidence.  In other words, finding a balance between both eating emotionally and eating logically so that all aspects of health (including physical and mental) are addressed. 

“The world’s most sophisticated and sensitive diagnostic apparatus is your own body’s feelings.”

Andrew Saul



Interesting Reads


Our Mission

Simple City Wellness strives to assist patients in meeting their health goals by providing accessible evidenced-based nutrition information and non-judgmental nutrition therapy and counseling. Without complicating nutritional recommendations more than diet culture already has, our dietitians take a simplistic approach, going back to the nutrition basics. Reframing what "healthy eating" looks like, we prompt people to consider the following truths:

  • It is possible to include our favorite foods on a daily basis, while still making informed and nutritious decisions. 

  • It is possible to make life long, sustainable changes, while still respecting your routine and patterns. 

  • It is possible to promote longevity and healing, even before illnesses and conflict develops. 

  • It is possible to continue on the road to recovery, while still struggling and having difficult days. 

Meet Kathryn, RD, CD, CEO

Read more about her story with an eating disorder, her education background, and how nutrition therapy saved her life.

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